Create Dynamic Image Slider using PHP with jQuery

Create Dynamic Image Slider using PHP with jQuery

Today, We want to share with you Create Dynamic Image Slider using PHP with jQuery.
In this post we will show you Create Dynamic Image Slider using PHP with jQuery, hear for Create Dynamic Image Slider using PHP with jQuery we will give you demo and example for implement.
In this post, we will learn about Create Dynamic Image Slider using PHP with jQuery with an example.

LightSlider is The Best Responsive jQuery Image Slider Plugins here in This Post,we can used to Create Dynamic Image Slider using PHP,jQuery – Responsive Image slider.

Table structure for table Name : `subprojectimg`

First of simple Create a table Like Table Name `subprojectimg` and Follwing the Execute This Follwing Script run in SQL phpmyadmin and create table

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `subprojectimg` (
  `spmid` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `pmid` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `spmtitle` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  `spmimg` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  `status` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1',
  PRIMARY KEY (`spmid`)

Dumping data for table Name : `subprojectimg`

Simple Copy This Script and execute in mysql snipset phpmyadmin and insert all rows added.

INSERT INTO `subprojectimg` (`spmid`, `pmid`, `spmtitle`, `spmimg`, `status`) VALUES
(1, 4, ' at mr. ch d', '1.jpg', 1),
(2, 4, ' at mr. chd', '2.jpg', 1),
(3, 4, ' at mr. chd', '3.jpg', 1),
(4, 4, ' at mr. chd', 'nature-d.jpg', 1),
(5, 4, ' at mr. chd', 'nature-c.jpg', 1),
(6, 4, ' at mr. chd', 'nature-b.jpg', 1),
(7, 4, ' at mr. chd', 'nature-a.jpg', 1),
(8, 4, ' at mr. chd', 'graffiti-b.jpg', 1);




    <li data-thumb="images/thumbs/"> <img src="images/" alt=""/>

LightSlider For jquery Script

		$(document).ready(function() {
			gallery: true,
			item: 1, //per use images no
			loop: true, //using loop
			slideMargin: 0,
			thumbItem: 6, //per slot show images in slider	

View Demo

We hope you get an idea about Create Dynamic Image Slider using PHP with jQuery
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