Abstract Class in C# Tutorial with Example

Abstract Class in C# Tutorial with Example

Today, We want to share with you Abstract Class in C# Tutorial with Example.
In this post we will show you All about abstract classes in C#, hear for Understanding C Sharp Abstract Classes – C# Abstract Keyword we will give you demo and example for implement.In this post, we will learn about C# Abstract Classes Tutorial with Example with an example.

Introduction to Abstract Class in C#

The Abstract keyword is used to make Abstract Class in C#. Abstract classes are not complete so we can not create an instance of this classes. An Abstract class can only be a base class of some another class.

This type of class can have both abstract and non-abstract methods inside it. Abstract members do not have any implementation body part in the abstract class, but it has to be provided in its derived class.

Example of Abstract Class in C#

using System;

namespace AbstractDemo
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            MakeCalculation obj = new MakeCalculation();

            Console.WriteLine("Sum of 3 + 8 = " + obj.AddNumber(3, 8)); // Calling and displaying result of abstract class methods.

            Console.WriteLine("Multiplication of 3 * 8 = " + obj.MultiplyNumber(3, 8));


    abstract class Calculation
        public abstract int AddNumber(int a, int b); // Method with only declaration i.e. Abstract Methods

        public int MultiplyNumber(int a, int b) // Method with implementation details 
            return a * b;

    class MakeCalculation : Calculation // Inheriting abstract class.
        public override int AddNumber(int a, int b) // Providing implementation details for abstract methods.
            return a + b;

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I hope you get an idea about C# Abstract Classes Tutorial with Example.
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