Amazon S3 File Upload in JavaScript Example

Today, We want to share with you Amazon S3 File Upload in JavaScript.
In this post we will show you S3 File Upload to AWS S3, hear for aws s3 security best practices we will give you demo and example for implement.
In this post, we will learn about AWS S3 file upload with progress bar using javascript sdk with an example.

Amazon S3 File Upload in JavaScript

There are the Following The simple About Amazon S3 File Upload in JavaScript Full Information With Example and source code.

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Steps 1: Make Amazon S3 Account

First of all I should to make Amazon S3 account as well as fetch your simple bucket name as well as secret key/access keys to need for uploading Amazon S3 files.

Steps 2: Settings S3 Information

and then fetch and get all An Amazone S3 account information, I shall init Amazon S3 account information in simple file like name aws_config.js with get access key and secret key values.

accessKeyId : 'ACCESS_KEY', // Put here ACCESS_KEY
secretAccessKey : 'SECRET_KEY'   // Put here SECRET_KEY
AWS.config.region = 'YOUR REGION';  // Put here REGION

Steps 3: Include jQuery and JavaScript AWS SDK

Include jQuery and JavaScript AWS SDK

Steps 4: Make File Upload Form


In index.php root file, I shall make HTML Form to get browse file to upload with created data upload button.

Amazon S3 File Upload using JavaScript

Steps 5: Manage File Upload Amazon S3 Server

Steps5: Manage File Upload Amazon S3 Server with JavaScript

$( document ).ready(function() {
$("#amazoneform").submit(function() {
var bucket = new AWS.S3({params: {Bucket: 'YOUR PUT BUCKET_NAME'}}); // BUCKET_NAME uniq Key
var uploadFiles = $('#amazoneUploadfile')[0];
var amazoneUploadfile = uploadFiles.files[0];
if (amazoneUploadfile) {
var dataValuparm = {Key:, ContentType: amazoneUploadfile.type, Body: amazoneUploadfile};
bucket.upload(dataValuparm).on('httpUploadProgress', function(evt) {
}).send(function(err, data) {
return false;
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You can also read about AngularJS, ASP.NET, VueJs, PHP.

I hope you get an idea about Amazon S3 File Upload using JavaScript.
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