PHP Laravel Eloquent Increments and Decrements value

Today, We want to share with you PHP Laravel Eloquent Increments and Decrements value.In this post we will show you laravel increment multiple columns, hear for laravel db::statement,laravel increment column with update we will give you demo and example for implement.In this post, we will learn about How to increment or decrement a column value in Laravel with an example.

PHP Laravel Eloquent Increments and Decrements value

There are the Following The simple About PHP Laravel Eloquent Increments and Decrements value Full Information With Example and source code.

As I will cover this Post with live Working example to develop laravel increment and decrement column, so the php – how to use increment() and decrement() in laravel for this example is following below.

In this Best Laravel Post, We would like to Learn you the simple logic for hidden and useful methods of Laravel’s Main join Eloquent ORM to Data value Increment automatically as well as the data Decrement value of the special fields in the main database Mysql column. In my School Management project in Laravel, We used this Main functions Like Laravel Eloquent increment() as well as Laravel decrement() methods to data Value increase and decrease the below numbers respectively.

Laravel increment and decrement column

How to increment or decrement a column value in Laravel?

Students::find($StudentsID)->increment('total_student_count'); // +1
Students::find($StudentsID)->decrement('total_student_count'); // -1

Students::find($StudentsID)->increment('total_student_count', 10); // +10
Students::find($StudentsID)->decrement('total_student_count',10); // -10

increment or decrement a column value in Laravel Example

$loyer = loyer::find($loyer_id);
$criminals = $loyer->criminals + 1;
$loyer->update(['criminals' => $criminals]);

Laravel Increment a column value


Laravel Decrement a column value



//Laravel using DB query builder

//Laravel using DB query builder

//Laravel using update query
loyer::where('id', $loyer_id)->update(['criminals' => DB::raw('criminals + 1')]);

//Laravel using update query
loyer::where('id', $loyer_id)->update(['criminals' => DB::raw('criminals - 1')]);
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I hope you get an idea about PHP Laravel Eloquent Increments and Decrements value.
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